This delicious rhubarb cordial recipe is so easy to make and such a glorious shade of pink!
Scroll down for the recipe.
10oz (300g) Rhubarb
10oz (300g) Sugar
300ml (1/2pint) Water
1 Fresh Lemon
Create a sugar syrup of equal parts (eg 300g Sugar, 300ml Water).
Heat slowly to dissolve the sugar.
Add the juice of one Lemon and a bit zest too if you fancy it.
Add 300g of Rhubarb chopped into roughly inch long pieces
Cover and cook gently for 15 minutes or until the rhubarb has broken down (If you stir it will go cloudy but I quite like that)
Strain through a muslin and serve with sparkling water
If stored in a well sterilised container it will keep for up to a month though the colour may fade
nb. the strained rhubarb goes perfectly with #Dorset ice cream!